The twelve known sub-castes of the Kayasthas are>>>
The first theory is the orthodox one, and
is hitherto accepted generally by all castes and communities in
India, based as it is on the authority of no less than four
Puranas ---viz. Padma Puran (Srishti Khand,Patal Khand and Uttar
Khand), Bhavishya Purana, Yama Samhita,Mahabharata and Brihad
Parashar Smriti.
When Brahman had created all the four Varanas, he bethought
himself that there must be someone to keep records and account
of each Varan - so he went into deep meditation of the Divine
Creator. When this meditation was over, there was found standing
in front of him a radiant human figure holding a pen and an
inkpot in his hands. Thereupon Brahma said, "Thy creation has
been from the whole of my body (kaya), therefore thou shall be
named and thy progeny will be called, Kayastha and as thy
manifestation has come about through my chitta (mind) and in
secret mystical (Gupta) manner, thy name shall be Chittagupta.
So ever since then reading and writing has been the hereditary
vocation or occupation of the Chittagupta Vanshi Kayasthas - and
in all governmental institutions the Kayasthas have as a rule
hold high administrative posts.
This story is at par with that which
ascribes the origin of the Brahmins from the head or mouth, of
the Kshattrias from the arms, of Vaishas from the belly or
thighs and of the sudras from the feet, of Brahma, Prajapati or
Adi Purush.
The second theory or view may be deemed as
the heterodox one. According to this the word Kayastha only
meant residents of Kaya-desh or Madhya-desh, which was synonym
to Ayodhia. On this view it is possible to hazard a guess that
the class or community of Kayasthas may have come into existence
by the formation of something like a guild of all those people
who, although drawn from educated members of more than one Dwij
varanas, (viz. Brahmans, Kshattriyas and even possibly Vaishyas),
took to and adopted government service or administration as
their hereditary profession or calling from the earliest times
in Hindu history. They may have been or indeed were residents of
different parts of India. The fact that by ancient custom
inter-marriage and even inter-dining was strictly prohibited
amongst the twelve sub-castes of the Kayasthas interse seems to
lend some support to this view.
As regards the
origin of the Mathur sub-caste of the Kayasthas, there is no
manner of doubt that they are so called because their original
home was Mathura, much in the same way as Shrivastavas are so
called because probably their original home was Shravasti which
was a town famous in Buddhistic history and as Bhatnagars are do
named after Bhatner. It is noticeable that there is a class of
Brahmins too who calls themselves Mathurs and trace their
ancestory to Mathura. So too there are some Bengalis who are
known as Mathur Babus. According to Pauranic tradition the
eldest son of Shri Chitragupta whose name was Charu took up his
abode at Mathura ---and so his descendants came to known as
The Mathurs ruled
over Mathura till Qutab-ud-din conquered it. The Mathurs are
also said to have ruled Ayodhya. Later on, their descendadnts
accepted posts of Dewan of the same area under the Surya Vanshi
family and Bundra Mathur and his nineteen generations held the
above mentioned posts. The downfall of Ayodhya commenced during
the Dewanship of Bal Pratain Mathur, who took reins of the
kingdom in his own hands. His rule stretched through ten
generations, after which the reins passed to Maharaja Daleep.
The kings who followed were Raghu, Dashrata, Rama, Lakshmana,
Bharata and Shatrughana. The surnames that the Mathur frequently
adopt are Dayal, Lall, Chandra, Andley, Berni, Saharia, and
sometimes Bahadur. The Mathurs are subdivided into als and
gotras. People belonging to the same al claim to have descended
from the same immediate ancestor and share a common totem. Gotra
is a larger group being composed of a number of al.
According to
tradition, there were only eighty-four big villages in Brij
Bhoomi -- i.e. in the Ilaka of Mathura. It is probably on that
account that there are eighty-four further sub-sects called
Allas of the Mathurs. Although all these Allas no longer
represent or indicate those eighty-four villages as their origin
and have been considerably changed under various influences such
as some peculiarity of the personages belonging to them,
nevertheless it is an acknowledged fact that the number of these
Allas is still reckoned as eighty-four. Out of the 84 Allas
families belonging to only 25 Allas or Khamps are to be found in
Rajputana and of only 13 in Ajmer. The geneologies of quite a
large number of Mathur families of these parts are given in this
history. What is noticeable in the accounts of these families is
that several of them had come either from Mathura direct or from
Delhi and nearly all of them belonged to the administrative
services of the then rulers and held offices such as Diwans,
Ministers,Secretaries, or Kanungoes etc. --- receiving shares of
the profits of land. That the 84 Allas or sub-sections acquired
their names after those of the villages or mauzas of their
origin seems probable enough --- Sahariyas were so named because
their original residence was a village --- Sahar --- Which was
not very far from Mathura; Golghotia ---Alla is most probably
derived by metathesis from Gokalotia i.e., residents of Gokal --
Narnolias from Narnole, Mahabani from Mahaban, etc. Other
influences, however, operated later on to change them beyond